In accordance with the articles 6-III and 19 of the Loi pour la Confiance de l’Economie Numérique, we inform you that:

• this present website is edited by:
Mister Gabriel BARRADE, owner
38, rue Albert Thomas
19100 BRIVE
Tél. : 06 09 85 73 84
Send an e.mail

• Person in charge of the publication: Monsieur Gabriel BARRADE

• Hosting: OVH
2 rue Kellermann
SIRET :  424 761 419 00045

• Designs and integration : Plume Pudding (with WordPress and Soho Hotel Theme)
11, La Vaysse
Tél. 06 17 56 56 03
SIRET : 803 808 260 00050

Photos credits: Gîte de la Papetie, Gabriel Barrade, Malika Turin, Sylvie Mahé, Philippe Bordes, Fotolia.

Partial or total reproduction of the visuals and writing productions are forbidden without authorisation.